Assisted by Michael Polon
Dates: April 20-23
Location: New York City
4-day class, lecture and practicum
Cost: $745 early bird,
$795 one-month prior
Host: Minki Kim
Dates: May 12-15
Location: Redmond, WA
4-day class, lecture and practicum
Cost: $695 early bird,
$745 one-month prior
Host: William Griswold
We already know manual therapy can produce profound personal and physical change, but how and why?
DNM is a systems-thinking approach that strengthens practitioners’ reasoning skills to better strategize treatment and develop effective therapeutic relationships. As an up-to-date explanatory model and practice viewed through a biopsychosocial framework, DNM is applicable to people with and without pain.
DNM—a hands-on interactive approach—considers the nervous system of the client from skin cell to sense of self. Although ranging from light to deep, hand-holds are slow, intelligent, responsive, and effective. This class is appropriate for practitioners of all disciplines and levels of experience in manual therapy.
In this class, we will examine how and why manual therapies create change, from profound, to modest, to none at all. We’ll weave together clinical observations and the host of convergent evidence from neurophysiology, pain science, touch science, and placebo research. We will also debunk some common assumptions held in the fields of manual therapy and therapeutic movement, putting some sacred cows out to pasture.